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Houston TX copper wire price per pound

Find out the Houston TX copper wire price per pound at Astro City Scrap Metal by visiting our physical location or calling us. 

It is possible that you have been searching for a local scrap yard in Houston, Texas, that would give you a high scrap metal price. The act of searching can seem daunting. It may look like all the local scrap yards are using the same low average rate for their copper or other metals. But you don’t have to look any further because Astro City gives high competitive rates for all our customers. 

Houston TX copper wire price per pound

Sell your scrap copper to a scrap yard that can recycle it

Find out more information about our copper wire prices and bring copper scrap metal to be bought at Astro City Scrap Metal today!

Astro City: Scrap Yard in Houston 

Being a local scrap yard in a large city means that we have to find a way to stand out from the rest. Thankfully we have many ways that we are set apart from other scrap yards. One way we stand out is how large our vicinity is. 

Buying, selling, and recycling scrap metal requires such ample space. There are so many different things going on throughout the day that calls for a large space. In Houston, we have one of the largest scrap yards. Over 18 thousand square feet to do what we need to do. This simple fact sets us higher over the other scrap yards in the city. 

In addition to this, the level and quality of our work and customer service sets us apart significantly. When a customer comes to either sell or buy metal from us, we make it a mission to make them feel as comfortable as possible. The thing with this is a customer might be new to selling scrap metal. If this is the case, then being comfortable in and during this new experience is essential. 

We also make it a goal to make sure they understand the transaction to the fullest. Buying or selling is a transaction that has multiple parts to it. So during this process, the customer needs to be aware of what is happening, and we make it a goal to have this happen. If there are ever any questions, our job is to answer all of them thoroughly and effectively.

So come to Astro City Scrap Metal today! You are sure to have a fantastic experience. 

Types of Scrap Metal

With all the space our vicinity offers, we receive many different metals and scraps to be recycled and repurposed. Our scrap yard is known for accepting non-ferrous metals. Some examples of this are copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, and alloys.

They can be in any shape or size; we accept them. You can even bring in insulated wires and radiators. These items are very popular items to sell, and you can get a great price for them. We believe that all metals are worth recycling. That is why we ask for you to bring them in.

Recycling metals are proven to help the metal industry. We see a decrease in mining for metals because the metals that have already been mined are in rotation. It takes 80-90 percent less energy to recycle metal than it does to mine for a metal. 

Houston TX copper recycling prices near me

Copper is one of the most used and most recycled metal

So take part in selling your metal and having it recycled. The metal you bring in doesn’t end up in a landfill, which is extremely helpful for our environment. Our metal supply can last longer because of this. So visit us today. 

Scrap Copper 

The most familiar metal happens to be copper. It has been around for years but was discovered being used by man over 10,000 years. Copper is in the family of gold and silver. It has a distinct reddish-orange color and has serval properties that make it useful for man.

Once it was discovered and we began to know what it does and can do, it became a staple amongst many industries. We see it used a lot in construction and even plumbing. What does copper have that makes it so beneficial? 

Any sort of material used in construction and plumbing needs to be solid and durable. So, copper has this outstanding quality. It also is malleable, meaning that it can be formed and molded into different things. For cooking, it proves to be a great heat conductor; that is why it is used in a lot of pots and pans. 

So if you have copper, sell it to us at Astro City. 

Metal Scrap buying prices per pound

At Astro City Scrap Metal, we buy scrap metal from our customers by the pound. The process for selling scrap metal for the customer is relatively simple. All you need to do is bring in the metal that you want to sell. If you have an idea of the kind of metal it is, that is great. But if you don’t, that is okay.

Houston TX copper wire price per pound

Houston TX copper wire price per pound

Our team utilizes a state-of-the-art X-ray Fluorescence Scanner. This scanner works to analyze the metal that you have brought in. For example, if you bring in copper but were not completely sure if it was copper, the scanner will let us know.

This process acts as an assurance for us and you. From this, we get the value of the metal and can then work towards giving you cash for it. Once we have used this scanner, we go straight into weighing it.

This is where the price per pound comes in. A team member will weigh the copper that you brought. Then they will go to the daily market price and use that to come up with the cash you get. So you get paid by scrap.

Daily scrap metal prices change, but Astro City Scrap Metal promises all customers and clients that they will receive the best rate of the day. This is an everyday promise, and we have never gone back on that promise.

If you would like to find out the Astro City Houston TX copper wire price per pound before you head over, give us a call.

Houston TX copper wire price per pound

Astro City Metal Scrap buys your copper and other non-ferrous metals at a great rate. Visit us today for Houston TX copper wire price per pound.

Facts about Houston Tx

  • See the iconic Houston Symphony during one of their concerts
  • The Museum District is home to many museums for you to explore.
  • Downtown is where you can get a glimpse into the professional art scene that is in Houston
  • Learn more about Houston Tx by visiting their website.