Home » scrap copper prices 77009

scrap copper prices 77009

Call Astro City Scrap Metal to find out the latest scrap copper prices 77009. We have the most up-to-date information, and we will buy your copper scrap at the best price, guaranteed.

Copper is considered the most valuable scrap metal out there. But why? Astro City Scrap Metal is here to answer this and other common questions about scrap metal.

scrap copper prices 77009

Copper is the most valuable scrap metal

How much is scrap copper worth?

First, know that all scrap metal buyers pay by the pound. It’s highly unlikely you’ll be paid by the scrap.

Also, before we skip to copper pricing, keep in mind that market prices are based on demand. They often change daily–even for copper.

That said, copper can sell for $4.00 per pound or more. It depends on the content of your copper. Purer copper will sell for $4.00 per pound or more, but scrap with a low copper content could sell for only 50 cents per pound.

What are other scrap metal prices?

Market demand drives scrap metal prices. The highest demand is for copper, but there are a few other scrap metals that are frequently sold for scrap:

Brass: Brass is classified as either red or yellow and sells for about $2.50 per pound. However, you can expect to get a slightly higher price for red brass.

Wire: Insulated wire prices vary from about $1.50 to more than $4.00 per pound. Why the huge range? It depends on the type of wire. A No. 10 wire sells higher, close to $4.00 per pound, while a No. 2 wire may sell for $1.50 per pound.

Aluminum: Both types of aluminum (extruded and 60/61 aluminum ) bring in just under a dollar per pound, so you will need a lot of aluminum to make a decent profit.

Why are scrap copper prices 77009 so high?

Scrap yards offer top prices for copper because there is both high demand and low availability. But who’s doing the demanding, and why is it no longer available? Here’s the scoop.

Copper is versatile

Copper is used in so many industries. It is popular in the plumbing, electrical, culinary, and medical industries. Here are some reasons why these professions love copper.

It’s extremely durable

In terms of durability, copper outruns its competition by a long shot. In addition, copper can be recycled over and over without losing properties.

It packs the heat

Electricians say copper is the safest, most effective, and easiest wire to use for electricity. It is the best conductor available and uses less electricity than other metals, so you save on your energy bills.

scrap copper prices 77009

Copper can be found in cookware, plumbing fixtures, electrical wires, and more

It doesn’t put up with microbes

Copper prevents and kills bacteria. And this is a natural property–man didn’t superimpose it! Copper’s microbe-blasting properties make it an ideal surface for the medical and cooking industry.

Wait, the cooking industry? Yes, we do mean the cooking industry! Your non-copper cookware has a secret.

As non-copper cookware deteriorates over time, it allows bacteria to start spawning. Copper cookware, on the other hand, can be used time after time, year after year, without ever letting bacteria form.

It also heats water faster than other metals, so that’s another good reason to switch.

But it’s hard to find

Now the sad news: copper is not as readily available as it once was. Companies have abandoned their copper mines, and many factories are closed.

Since copper lasts so long, it doesn’t just appear in heaps every day at the store.

Although copper is still technically available underground, we can no longer easily mine it. You would have to use explosive (and rather controversial) force to get copper out of the ground.

Where can I find copper to sell for scrap?

Since copper is the go-to choice in multiple fields, you don’t have to look too far to find it. The electrical wires in your walls almost certainly contain copper. You may have copper plumbing fittings or fixtures, and many of your appliances probably have a copper component or two.

Copper is also used for pots, pans, medical trays, pipes, nuts, bolts, screws, and more. Take a look around your home, and you’ll probably find more copper than you knew you had. To make sure you’re getting the best deal, call your local scrapyard for the latest scrap copper prices 77009.

Can I melt my pennies for copper scrap?

Unless you’re curious about what it’s like to ride in the back of a cop car, you should not melt your copper pennies for scratch. That’s right–it’s illegal to melt copper pennies solely to sell the copper. In fact, you can’t even legally take more than $5 in pennies across state lines.

In addition, you’ll have to go on a penny hunt. Only pennies from 1982 and early contain nearly pure copper. Our new penny is about 5% copper, which will not get you very far at all.

Here’s an interesting exception to the melting rule, though: it’s perfectly legal to melt pennies to make personal keepsakes. That’s why we can squish and stamp a penny at museums, parks, zoos, etc., for a memento.

scrap copper prices 77009

For unbeatable scrap copper prices 77009, call Astro City Scrap Metal today

About Astro City Scrap Metal

We are the fastest growing scrap yard in Houston, Texas, that specializes in buying, selling, and recycling scrap metal. We purchase all types of non-ferrous (non-magnetic) metals and give you the highest price, guaranteed, in cash.

Metals we accept

Astro City Scrap Metal accepts all non-ferrous metals, which are non-magnetic metals. Some common scrap metals we buy include copper, brass, insulated wires, aluminum, most stainless steel, carbide inserts, radiators, alloys, and more.

If you’re not sure whether your metal is ferrous or non-ferrous, bring it to Astro City Scrap Metal! We will test it for you for free.

Metals we do not accept

We cannot accept ferrous (magnetic) metals such as steel and iron. In addition, for safety and legal reasons, we cannot take certain hazardous materials, including radioactive materials, batteries, mercury, asbestos-contaminated metals, flammable or combustible metals, air conditioners with freon, etc. Our full list of items we cannot accept is available on our site.

Call us today

The next time you’re searching for unbeatable scrap copper prices 77009, give Astro City Scrap Metal a call.

Fun Facts about Houston, Texas

  • Although nearly of all Houston is located in Harris County, parts of Houston are in Fort Bend and Montgomery County.
  • Westheimer Road is actually an 18.95-mile piece of Farm-to-Market RD 1093.
  • Houston is home to more than 150 museums.

For more fun facts, visit the Houston website.